Any Further Education (FE) student who wishes to discuss any issues regarding their course must follow the following sequence
- Raise the matter with the Tutor concerned
- Contact their Course Director if the issue is not resolved
- If the problem is not solved at this point contact either PLC Coordinators
- If issue still not sorted Principal will intervene
- FE students have a personal responsibility to ensure that all course related assignments/ projects are submitted with the relevant coversheet(s) by the deadline date. Tutors and Course Directors may refuse to accept any /projects which are not submitted by the deadline date irrespective of the circumstances. Tutors/Course Directors may at their own discretion accept late assignments/ projects with penalties (e.g. subtracting marks from the FE student’s assignment/ project)
- FE Students must keep a hard copy of assignments/ projects already submitted in a secure place as such projects/ assignments WILL NOT be handed back.
- FE students must pay all their course fees by the designated date. Where the (QQI) exam fee is not paid results will not be processed or awarded due to non- payment.
- FE students may appeal to (QQI) to appeal a failed module, the date for appeal is usually mid-September. The College will only retain projects and assignments until this appeals procedure has been closed after which they will be disposed of.
- All FE students must be aware that the duration of the PLC academic year runs from the first week of September to the last day of May inclusive.
- The Board of Management of Enniscorthy Community College of Further Education reserve the right to investigate and recommend to WWETB the removal or suspension of a FE student who does not comply with any of the conditions of the Student Protocol.
- The college and any staff member thereof reserve the right to decline to write a reference as to the academic and/or moral character of a FE student.